
Intel Technologies - Algorithm developer/researcher for image processing
18. May. 2014 9:22

Intel Serbia представља развојни тим Intela у Србији који се превасходно бави развојем и имплементацијом алгоритама и акцелератора за обраду слике за потребе мобилне индустрије. Камера је тренутно у центру пажње мобилне индустрије као један од главних диференцијатора мобилних решења. С обзиром на ограничене ресурсе (слаба оптика, мали сензори, захтеви за потрошњом) мобилних платформи велики је изазов добити квалитетне фотографије на излазу оваквих уређаја. Ако желите да будете део једне од највећих компанија у рачунарској индустрији, ако желите да будете Inside Intel пошаљите свој CV и мотивационо писмо на енглеском на


Algorithm engineer/researcher for Imaging - experienced position


Initiates the design, development, execution and implementation of scientific research projects to fuel Intel's growth in the areas of Computational photography, ISP and new business opportunity. Investigates the feasibility of applying scientific principles and concepts to potential inventions and products typically 2+ years prior to landing on a product roadmap. Plans and executes laboratory research. Maintains substantial knowledge of state-of-the-art principles and theories, and contributes to scientific literature and conferences. May participate in development of intellectual property. May coordinate interdepartmental activities and research efforts. Typically holds a PhD.

Desired Skills and Experience

  • Leading knowledge in the field of image processing
  • Ph.D./M.Sc. in the fields of Image processing and optimization
  • At least 3 years of experience in ISP / computer vision/ machine learning - Must
  • Solid background in applied Mathematics
  • Experienced in Matlab and C/C++ programming


Algorithm engineer/researcher for Imaging - junior position


Initiates the design, development, execution and implementation of scientific research projects to fuel Intel's growth in the areas of Computational photography, ISP and new business opportunity. Investigates the feasibility of applying scientific principles and concepts to potential inventions and products typically 2+ years prior to landing on a product roadmap. Plans and executes laboratory research. Maintains substantial knowledge of state-of-the-art principles and theories, and contributes to scientific literature and conferences. May participate in development of intellectual property.

Desired Skills and Experience

  • Leading knowledge in the field of image processing
  • B.Sc/M.Sc. in the fields of Image processing and optimization
  • Solid background in applied Mathematics
  • Experienced in Matlab and C/C++ programming